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We welcome everyone interested in joining our growing organisation. As an Afghan Youth Association member, you will have exposure to a vibrant network along with a wealth of knowledge and experience. Our community is tight-knit, but incredibly welcoming. Check out the options below to learn more.


Committee Members 

As a committee member you are required to commit at least 2-5 hours each week to work with AYA. Committee members are required to attend Skype conferences taking place every 2 weeks. Skype meetings are convenient for most of the committee members as we are based in different cities all over the UK. However, we also have face to face meetings with majority of the members at different cities (for those who can make it). When there are events, committee members are expected to actively participate in the organisation and running of the event

General Members 

if you are Supporting our aims and objectives, and would like to be part of an amazing network of ambitious and hardworking people, sign up as a general member. Members will get free or discounted entry to most of our events, workshops and seminars. General members are encouraged to promote AYA in order to grow our network. However, members are not required to spend any time in the management or running of the organisation.


This is our membership application and currently we only accept applicants who are resident in the UK.

Can you afford to pay £1 monthly membership fee?

Thanks for submitting!


During challenging times, donations from our supporters are an absolutely vital resource for AYA, and will help to ensure we can continue to reach those who need it most, and provide vital assistance to the most vulnerable.


Afghanistan suffers from one of the highest infant and maternal mortality rates in the world more than 50% of children under 5 years are chronically malnourished (stunted). You can feed a mother and a child for a month.


At least a quarter of Afghan children between ages 5 and 14 work for a living or to help their families. Many are employed in jobs that can result in illness, injury, or even death due to hazardous working conditions and poor enforcement of safety and health standards. You can help to stop child labor.


3.7 million kids  between age 7-17 in Afghanistan are not receiving schooling despite education being their constitutional right.  You help a kid out of street from work and give them opportunity to go school for a year


Afghan Youth Association is purely on volunteer based charity and none of our executives members or  trustees get paid by any means. Please support us to organise events and help community.

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